I'm a lefty with a hyperactive "right brain". I'm a freelance graphics designer and illustrator. I also design and create custom beaded jewelry. Last year I just started dabbling in animation and motion graphics. So that is pretty much where my head has been of late. I'm pretty new to blogging, but ya know what?...I think I like it! All of the content and images contained within these pages are the copy written property of Valerie Smith. Copying is a no no without my written permission.
A Leopard doesn't change it's spots. Will someone remind Liberman? Liberman the Chameleon...hee hee. He would get along great with "Karma Karma". I don't really relish the idea of political commentary on my blogs, yet this little bit pretty much fits the topic.
This is my weekly post for "Illustration Friday". I grew up drawing and riding horses, so I was happy to see this weeks topic "Farm". Ever sinced I switched to blogger beta, I've been wrangling with comment issues. If you see a coment from "Pixelpalette"...its just me. Have a great week!